Allow Short Names to be Provided When Creating Products
- We've reintroduced the ability for users to provide a custom short name when creating new products. This feature is handy for managing related products with the same root product code. Any auto-generated prefixes or postfixes are ignored when a short name is provided. The system will notify users if the provided short name is already used.
Morgan Stanley FCM Support
- We've added support for Morgan Stanley as a clearing FCM for trades on ICE. This includes automatic file downloads, trade reconciliation (price and fees), portfolio reconciliation, and improved trade management.
Added a TAS Indicator to Valuations Extract
- We've added a TAS indicator to the valuations extract, helping users identify trades that will be priced later in the day. This provides greater clarity for trades without a final price at settlement time.
Hard Refresh Tool on Trades Fix
- We’ve fixed an issue where using the Hard Refresh Tool on trades resulted in deleted settlement entries. Now, all trade components, including settlement entries, are correctly rebuilt during a hard refresh, ensuring data integrity.
Risk Limits Rules Edit Screen Fix
- We’ve resolved an issue where the Rules Edit screen failed to open from the risk limits screen. Users can now successfully click the rule ID to bring up the modal for editing, ensuring smooth rule management.
Serial Number Validations on Negative-Volume Tickets
- We've fixed an issue where users could not edit tickets with negative volumes due to incorrect serial number validation. Now, the validation ensures that the number of serial numbers does not exceed the absolute value of the ticket’s volume. This allows users to save tickets with negative volumes without encountering validation errors.